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Nancy Days

A sketch comedy web series coming this Halloween 2023

Hi Y'all! It's me, Nancy.

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Nancy Days is a web series about how I spend my days.

I like dance, movies, music

and just talking about stuff.

I always post them here first

but you can follow me on TikTok and IG to watch my videos.

Coming this Halloween 2023

These are some of the characters you will meet on Nancy Days.

Nancy Days Cast

Meet the Actors

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Indus Alelia

Art Director

Add a short bio for each team member. Make it brief and informative to keep visitors engaged.

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Lindsey Loon

Lindsey Loon

Art Director

Add a short bio for each team member. Make it brief and informative to keep visitors engaged.

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Mara Stevë

Mara Steve

Tech Lead

Add a short bio for each team member. Make it brief and informative to keep visitors engaged.

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Kenneth Nonato

Product Manager

Add a short bio for each team member. Make it brief and informative to keep visitors engaged.

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Nancy Days

a new web series with a SAG-AFTRA New Media Agreement

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